Ministries Who Endorse BCM
It is with great joy that I recommend Broken Clay Ministries. God has called Pastors Larry and Pat Graham to this incredible ministry of working with the poorest of the poor in Uganda. I am encouraged and inspired by their zeal and faithful service in caring for and providing school and meals for children living in the slums of Uganda. From their humble beginnings and trusting God for every step, they have expanded to include vocational training as well as a savings program for the community they serve.
Serving alongside them as pastors at The Ark Fellowship, they have exhibited a strong and faithful commitment in every area they have been called to serve. In addition to their Associate Pastors position, they head the Evangelism and Prison Ministries of the church.
It is without reservation that I endorse this ministry and encourage you to give of your finances and prayers to support Broken Clay Ministries.
Pastor Angela Okotie-Eboh.
Lead Pastor, The Ark Fellowship AG